大灰狼和三只小猪的故事视频 大灰狼和三只小猪的故事视频播放

 魔术铺   2023-03-30 15:49:21   1 人阅读  0 条评论





猪妈妈说:“稻草、木头、砖都可以盖房子,但是草房没有木房结实,木房没有砖房结实。” 三只小猪高高兴兴走了。走着,走着,看见前面一堆稻草。


老二噜噜连忙说:“我就用这木头盖间木房吧。”噜噜的木房在三天内也盖好了。 老三嘟嘟还是向前走去,走着,走着,看见前面有一堆砖头。


















有部动画片 是三只小猪和一只大灰狼的 谁看过?


【中文译名】《新三只小猪》 【片 名】Unstable Fables: 3 Pigs  a Baby 【年 代】2008 【国 家】美国/美国 【类 别】动画 【语 言】英语 【字 幕】英语中字 【视频尺寸】640 x 352 【文件大小】1CD 303MB 【片 长】76 mins 【导 演】Howard E. Baker 【主 演】Brad Garrett ... Mason (voice) Tom Kenny ... Dr. Wolfowitz (voice) Timothy McCartney ... Lucky - Baby / Child (voice) Steve Wilcox ... Big Boss Wolf (voice) Nolan North ... Big Bad Wolf (voice) Chris Elwood ... Death Metal Wolf (voice) Mark Adair-Rios ... Wide-Eyed Pacificst Wolf (voice) Audrey Wasilewski ... Contractor Cow (voice) Tara Strong ... Construction Cow (voice) 【剧情简介】: 众所周知的故事“3只小猪” 有些改变,当3只小猪发现家门有一只狼崽时,他们决定当亲生的来养育,可不知道已经中了狼群特别部队的奸计。作为家庭的最新成员,狼崽长到少年时也不知道自己的历史,他在狼群计划中的角色,或者他对养育他的家庭而会作出的艰巨选择...


1. 谁知道3只小猪的故事内容。。。发给我

三只小猪的故事 猪妈妈生了三只可爱的小猪,三只小猪彼此友爱,一家人一直过著幸福快乐的日子。 有一天,猪妈妈向三只小猪说:「你们都长大了,应该自己出去盖一间属於自己的房子了。」 然后啊,三只小猪向猪妈妈告别后,就真的出去盖了一间属於自己的房子。 老大盖的是草屋,老二盖的是木屋,老三最聪明了,因为它用砖块盖了一间最坚固的砖头房子,也是三间房子中最安全的了。 有一天,老大和老二出门去玩耍,结果在路途中遇到了大野狼,大野狼一看到二只小猪就说:「啊!我是大野狼,二只小猪看起来好像很好吃的样子喔!」」老大和老二一见到大野狼,马上赶紧跑回自己的家中躲起来,不过,它们并不知道大野狼也硍在它们的后面,找到三只小猪住的地方了。 这时大野狼「碰~」的一声,就轻松的把老大和老二的房子撞倒了,所以呢,二只小猪就赶快到老三的砖屋里去躲了起来,老三看到二位哥哥,就赶紧说:「快!快!快点进来,大野狼快追来了!」 后来,大野狼也来到第三只小猪房子的前面,它以为这间砖头房子跟之前两栋房子一样,很容易就撞倒了,不过,它发现它撞了好几次不旦撞不倒这栋房子,反而把自己的头撞得满头都是包。 大野狼想了很多方法都没办法进去,正生气的时候,突然发现房子的上面有一个烟囱,大野狼就爬到屋顶,准备从烟囱进去,不过,三只小猪并不笨,早就在烟囱下面用柴烧水,等大野狼从烟囱下来的时候,水也滚了,大野狼一下来就「啊!」的一声, *** 被烫得红通通,夹著尾巴逃走了,三只小猪也可以松了一口气了。

2. 童话故事 三只小猪



3. 三只小猪的故事简介

LV.3 2011-10-16



4. 谁知道三只小猪的故事内容是湖南少年儿童出版社易读宝有声系列的内容


5. 求完整版三只小猪故事























6. 《三只小猪》的主要内容


7. 中文版三只小猪的故事内容




《三只小猪》的故事起源于英国,1933年被迪士尼公司搬上大荧幕,获得了第6届奥斯卡金像奖 最佳动画短片,从此家喻户晓,在世界各国流传开来。






参考资料来源: 网络-三只小猪

8. 三只小猪的故事(原文)



猪妈妈说:“稻草、木头、砖都可以盖房子,但是草房没有木房结实,木房没有砖房结实。” 三只小猪高高兴兴走了。走着,走着,看见前面一堆稻草。


老二噜噜连忙说:“我就用这木头盖间木房吧。”噜噜的木房在三天内也盖好了。 老三嘟嘟还是向前走去,走着,走着,看见前面有一堆砖头。


山后边住着一只大灰狼,它听说来了三只小猪,哈哈大笑说:“三只小猪来得好,正好让我吃个饱!” 大灰狼来到草房前,叫小猪呼呼开门。呼呼不肯开。大灰狼轻轻地吹了一下,草房就倒了。





老大呼呼高兴地对嘟嘟说:“盖草房虽然最省力,但是很不结实,以后我要多花力气盖砖房。” 老二噜噜也高兴地对嘟嘟说:“盖木房也不结实,以后我也要多花力气盖砖房。”















In a remote mountain village and lived a mother pig and her three cute little pigs. Mother every day, the pig hard up, still can be do nothing.

One evening, after dinner, a mother pig to the children before sheepishly said: "you have grown up, should live independently, so you cover themselves behind the move away.

The three little pigs who also don't want to move out to yourself, and building a house, can listen to your mother. Hence, they start wondering what kind of house. Boss first.

First, he carried to many straw, chose a glade in the middle, and made a summary of the house with straw, then a bundle of grass. "Ha ha! I have my own house!" Eldest brother joy trappings.

The boss moved into his new home, the second and third curious visitors. Second, said: "the elder brother, you see youngest house, too simple, I want to build a beautiful, fortable house!"

Second run to cut back on many wood sawing wood sticks, and, as to a stop. Soon, the second is built their wooden house. Apparently this is beautiful, the eldest brother to much fruit.

Second quickly moved to their new lives, eldest brother and three is visiting. Eldest brother, my house is too simple, Old three say: "I see after the house will also cover the better."

Third anniversary, and finally decided to return home to build a house of old brick, because the house is very strong, do not be afraid of the wind, but it takes many efforts!

Every day in and day out a third trip to move back to a piece of rock, piled up at the side, then a bone-by-bone build by laying bricks or stones bees a wall. Brother in a fun way: "only a fool will do!"

I still preponderance, to work day and night. Brothers rest, he still kept dry. So for three months, three new house also finished! He's so happy!

One day to a big, bad Wolf. Eldest brother panic hide into the house of straw he. "Hey hey" Wolf to sneer at the o sound, tone blew mercilessly with straw house down. Eldest brother had to run.

Eldest brother ran straight into the second son home runs and shouted: "o brother! Open the door! Help!" The second son opened the door, a big Wolf came after, let eldest brother into the house, the door.

The wolves to stops, thought: "do you think I can be hard wood house?" He hit a door to go. "Hua" a sound, wood house was knocked down.

The brothers and desperately fled to the youngest, breathlessly told old three what happened. Old three first, then the door shut with assurance said: "don't be afraid! No problem!"

Standing in front of the gate big Wolf, he knew the house has three little pigs, but don't know how to get in. He can return to the old, the door shout blow.

A Wolf, he forced to hit. "When a Wolf, only o eyes to see stars, house, refused to budge. The Wolf really nasty, turned to find the hammer.

BieZuJin, with big Wolf down the hammer, broken, hammer hammer old rock-hammer damn near worn down on the rebound, head of the Wolf. "Killing me!" The Wolf Shouting. He really has no skill can.

Wolves have *** iles on three little pigs to please go outing. The three little pigs is very clever, also very unity. They advance to the outskirts picked lots of apples. Soon, the Wolf.

The three little pigs according to climb the tree quickly. The Wolf puzzled to ask: "you in that tree?" Old three replied: "we are eating apples! Do you want to e?"

The Wolf, tasty mouth watering readily promised. Three big apple picking a cast down, down the hill under apple rolling is far behind, wolves in the chase, running away. The three little pigs seized ran home.

The Wolf flustered and frustratedly returns, he turned around the house, finally climbed the roof, he wants to slip through the chimney. Three out of the window, and immediately find lit fires.

The Wolf into the fire, *** oke inside, whole tail are burned. He howled and its tail beeen its legs escaped, dare not to find the three little pigs trouble.












晚上,有一只大坏狼出现了,大坏狼想:以前小猪们和妈妈一起生活是不好对付,看到它们自己出来盖房子,大坏狼来到了老大的家。 它一吹,房子就倒下了,老大急忙跑到老二家,大坏狼也追到了老二家,它一吹房子没动房 ,它又一撞,房子就倒了。老大和老二赶快跑到老三家,老大和老二说:“大坏狼来了。”老三锁上了门,大坏狼一吹,砖房子没动,又一撞,骨骼都快撞断了,房子还是没动。老狼看见房子上有烟囱,就想从烟囱里爬进去。老大、老二和老三,煮了一大锅很烫很烫的水,大坏狼一进去,就被烫死了。
























Chapter 1

Once there was a mother pig who had three little pigs. She was so poor, however, that she could no longer take care of the young pigs. So she decided to send them away。

It is time for you to go out into the world now. You are old enough to live on your own. Remember that hard work never hurts a pig. But I warn you, if you are lazy and get fat, than you will be too slow to run away from you know who. The hungry old wolf! The three pigs were scared and shouted. So the three little pigs left their safe home and went out into the world. They each went a different way, and they each built themselves a new home.

The first little pig was very nice and happy, but he was also very lazy. He didn’t like hard work. He always looked for the easy way to do things. Knowing he had to build a house for himself, the first little pig went go the market to look for supplies. When he saw a man selling straw, he said to himself, how easy it would be to build a house out of straw!

How much is that straw, sir? I will sell it to you for two cents, little pig. I’ll take it. So the first little pig bought the straw, and he built his house. Well, that was easy. I didn’t have to work very hard, and now I have a new house. This is great! The first little pig went inside and relaxed in his new home。

Now, the second little pig was a little different from the first. Because he liked to have lots of time to play, he always looked for the fastest way to do things. The second little pig also went to the market in search of supplies for his new house. When he saw a man selling sticks, he said to himself。

I could really build a house quickly with those sticks. Sir, how much for those sticks? I will sell them to you for three cents. Great! I’ll buy them. So the second little pig bought the sticks and started to build his house。

Mom said that we would have to work so hard, but this is so easy. Look how quickly I built my house with these sticks. Now I will have plenty of time to play。

The third little pig was very different from his brothers. He was a very hard worker. He wasn’t worried about finding the easiest way or the fastest way. He wanted things done the right way. When he went to market to buy supplies for his house, he looked for something sturdy that would last。

Wow! You have some really good bricks here, sir. I bet they would make a strong house. These bricks will help you build the finest house money can buy. How much for all of them? I will sell them to you for five dollars. Oh, I don’t have enough money right now. Can you wait until tomorrow? Okay, I will wait until tomorrow, but not any longer。

The third little pig quickly left to find work so that he could earn enough money for the bricks. He worked very hard that day. When he was finished, he had the money he needed. Early the next morning, he took his money and bought the bricks, and began building his house. It took him a long time, but he knew the bricks would make his house strong and safe。

When his house was finally finished, the third pig called his two brothers over to see his new home. They came and admired his work. Your house looks great. Now you have to come and play with us. Yeah! Let’s go into the forest to play. You two go on ahead. I still have some work to do. Wow, I get tired just WATCHING him work。

Remember, mother pig warned us not to get fat and lazy. Oh, he is so silly, he loves to work, and he never plays. So the first little pig and the second little pig went into the forest to play while the third little pig stayed home and worked. What the pigs did not know was that in that same forest there was a scary, smart and very hungry old wolf。

Chapter 2

The wolf usually ate squirrels, chickens, chipmunks, and other small animals. But today he was hungry for something different. Today he wanted a tender, delicious pig. BACON! PORK CHOPS! HAM! That’s what I want for dinner。

Wait! What is that I smell? Could it be a tender, delicious pig? Just then, the scary, smart and very hungry wolf saw the two little pigs playing. He was a sneaky wolf and decided to try to join in their game. Hello, little pigs. I am a friendly wolf and would like to play with you。

I … I… I don’t think so. Yeah, our mother warned us about you. The two little pigs stopped what they were doing and quickly ran back to their homes. The wolf followed them and came to the first little pig’s house. Little pig, little pig, let me in please. Never! No! No! No! No! No! You will never get in here! Then I will huff, and I will puff, and I will BOLW your house down!!

So the wolf huffed, and he puffed, and he blew the house down. The first little pig was so afraid. He ran as fast as he could to the second little pig’s house and began banging on the door. Help me! Help me! The hungry old wolf is coming after me。

Come inside, brother pig. We will be safe in my house. Shortly after the first little pig was safely inside, they heard a knock on the door. Little pigs, little pigs, let me in. it’s the nice wolf. Never! No! No! No! No! We will never let you in. Then I will huff, and I will puff, and I will BLOW your house down!! So the wolf huffed, and he puffed, and he blew the house down. The two little pigs were really afraid now。

They ran as fast as they could to the third little pig’s house, so the wolf would not eat them. Little brother! Little brother! Help us! The wolf is trying to eat us. I thought this would happen. Come into my house. Hurry! No, little brother. We should run away. The hungry old wolf will blow this house down! He isn’t going to blow MY house down. It’s made of bricks。

The two little pigs went inside the third little pig’s house, and moments later, they heard a knock on the door. Little pigs, little pigs, let me come in. it’s the nice wolf. Never! No! No! No! No! We will never let you in! Then I will huff, and I will puff, and I will BLOW your house down. So the wolf huffed and puffed and huffed and puffed, but he just couldn’t blow the house down! The three pigs cheered, and the wolf went home without a delicious pig in his stomach. I must have those pigs to eat. I will have to think of a new plan. I am a smart wolf, and I will just go back to their house tomorrow and trick them。

Chapter 3

The next day, he went back to the third little pig’s house with a really big, friendly smile。

Little pigs, you are so smart. You are much smarter than me. I am sorry I tried to hurt you. Let’s be buddies. I know a really good field with lots of carrots. Do you want to go with me? Hmmm. That sounds nice. Where is the field, and when do you want to go? The field is very close. It’s on the side of farmer jack’s barn. I will come back tomorrow at six in the morning。

When the wolf left, the first little pig and the second little pig turned to their brother and said. Are you crazy? He is going to eat you! He doesn’t want to eat carrots, he wants to eat you! The wolf will have to find me first. Don’t worry. Just wait and see. That night, the wolf was thinking to himself, finally, tomorrow I will be able to eat a tender, delicious pig. He fell asleep dreaming of pork chops, bacon and ham.


Three Little Pigs and a Big Wolf

Once, a mother pig sent her three little children into the world. They needed to look after themselves.

The first pig found some straw, and he built a fine house with straw, and he built a fine house with straw.

The second pig built a house with wood.

The third pig built a house with stone.

One day, a wolf came to straw house, he was hungry.

"Little pig let me in! I'm your brother."

"No, no! You are a wolf."

Then the wolf blew down the straw house. The first pig ran to the wooden house.

Then the wolf came to the wooden house, too. The two pigs ran to the stone house.

The wolf came and blew the stone house. He blew and blew, but the house didn't fall down. Then wolf was angry, he climbed to the roof and jumped down the chimney.

The wolf fell into the pot! Ouch! He ran away.

The three little pigs lived happily.





一天, 一只大灰狼来到草房前,他十分饥饿。









Once upon a time, there were three little pigs who went off to build their houses。


The first little pig built his house out of straw, which was not very strong。


One day, the big bad wolf came and said, “Little pig, little pig, let me come in。”


“Not by the hair of my chinny chin chin,” said the first little pig。


“Then I‘ll huff and I’ll puff, and I‘ll blow your house down, little pig。”


And he huffed, and he puffed, and he blew the first pig‘s house down。


The second little pig built his house out of sticks, which were also not very strong。


One day, the big bad wolf came and said, “Little pig, little pig, let me come in。”


“Not by the hair of my chinny chin chin,” said the second little pig。


“Then I‘ll huff and I’ll puff, and I‘ll blow your house down, little pig。”


And he huffed, and he puffed, and he blew the second pig‘s house down。


The third little pig built his house out of bricks, which were very strong。


One day, the big bad wolf came and said, “Little pig, little pig, let me come in。”


“Not by the hair of my chinny chin chin,” said the third little pig。


“Then I‘ll huff and I’ll puff, and I‘ll blow your house down, little pig。”


But no matter how much the wolf huffed and puffed, the house did not blow down。


So the big bad wolf said, “Little pig, I‘ll come down the chimney and eat you all up。”


But when the wolf came down the chimney, he fell into a pot of boiling water!


And the three little pigs lived happily ever after and they were all safe in the third pig’s house that was made of bricks。


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